What’s New 2022


Scribble Me Silly received a generous donation from the EGAN FAMILY FOUNDATIONΒ  in 2022. Thank you for believing in us and supporting our work.Β 

Toronto Arts Council logo

Fantastic news! We were awarded a grant by the TAC in November 2022, which will be applied to a new series of workshops in Winter/Spring 2023 featuring some new guest artists.

Dylan Bednar Crab Inktober

Inktober 2022 – We are so grateful to Dylan Bednar for organizing this GoFundMe and to all of the donors for supporting us.

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The latest addition to the team is our summer student, Kelly Chen. Welcome Kelly!

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We are back!…running in-person workshops at two shelter locations, featuring guest artist Tara Dorey.


We are excited to have grantwriter, Sean Kenny, joining us from B.C.. Welcome, Sean!

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Our new social media coordinator, Jamaal Wilson, has been busy boosting our Instagram profile! Welcome, Jamaal!